DDF Settings

Global Settings

You can configure DDF in settings.py file. You can also override the global config per instance creation when necessary.

  • DDF_FILL_NULLABLE_FIELDS (Default = False): DDF can fill nullable fields (null=True) with None or some data:

    # SomeModel(models.Model): nullable_field = Field(null=True)
    G(SomeModel).nullable_field is None # True if DDF_FILL_NULLABLE_FIELDS is True
    G(SomeModel).nullable_field is None # False if DDF_FILL_NULLABLE_FIELDS is False
    # You can override the global config for one case:
    assert G(Model, fill_nullable_fields=False).nullable_field is None
    assert G(Model, fill_nullable_fields=True).nullable_field is not None
  • DDF_VALIDATE_MODELS (Default = False): DDF will call model.full_clean() method before saving to the database:

    # You can override the global config for one case:
    G(Model, validate_models=True)
    G(Model, validate_models=False)
  • DDF_FIELD_FIXTURES (Default = {}) (new in 1.8.0): Dictionary where the key is the full qualified name of the field and the value is a function without parameters that returns a value:

    DDF_FIELD_FIXTURES = {'path.to.your.Field': lambda: random.randint(0, 10) }
  • DDF_FK_MIN_DEPTH (Default = 0): For models with non required foreign keys (FKs with null=True), like FKs to itself (ForeignKey('self')), cyclic dependencies or even optional FKs, DDF will avoid infinite loops because it stops creating objects indefinitely, because it will stop after the min depth was achieved.:

    # You can override the global config for one case:
    G(Model, fk_min_depth=5)

> Incompatibility warning: Before DDF 3.0.3, DDF handled FK cycles instead of FK depth, through the removed properties DDF_NUMBER_OF_LAPS and number_of_laps.

  • DDF_DEBUG_MODE (Default = False): To show some DDF logs:

    # You can override the global config for one case:
    G(Model, debug_mode=True)
    G(Model, debug_mode=False)
  • DDF_SHELL_MODE (Default = False): To disable some DDF warnings so DDF can be used better in Python shell: to populate the DB, for example.